Finally providing content to Newgrounds. Previously I've used this space purely to browse other's games and music. Since I provided some of my very novice level music, and some of my Blender development, I thought I should provide a broader taste of what I do as an artist.
To that end, I guess I should provide some background. I have always been interested in drawing, but I've struggled to push myself and my limits. I finally began moving in this direction when I attended the Art Institute, but managed to graduate before I was ready. When I find inspiration, like when I was an active member of a roleplay site, I will draw alot. Right now I'm struggling to get back into it, and getting distracted by getting back into 3D Modeling, which is what I went to the Art Institute for. I have some writing projects and a visual novel I'm working on slowly.
I am always open to constructive feedback. I haven't really participated in group projects, but I'm open to the idea if I am a good fit for anything. I look forward to interacting with you all more.